Barring genetics and unforeseen circumstances, maintaining clear and healthy vision isn’t as daunting as you might expect. In fact, some common habits as you go through your day are already a tremendous help. Opti-Care, the trusted source of high-quality prescriptive contact lenses and eyeglasses in the area, lists some of them here.

- Washing your hands. This has become more important than ever given the current situation. But making frequent hand-washing a habit can help preserve vision. The fact is that many vision-related diseases, such as pink eye, are spread by touching in or near the eyes with an unwashed hand. You can significantly reduce your risk of this by ensuring a healthy, hand-washing routine.
- Wearing eye protection. There are also vision problems resulting from carelessness in a particular task. If you’re working around lawn equipment, power tools, and other machinery, make sure you’re wearing eye protection to ensure no debris or particle can become lodged in your eyes. Not only that–you should also make it a habit to wear sunglasses when it’s bright and sunny out to reduce your risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Consult your premier optometrist on the protective eyewear that best suits your needs.
- Eating eye-healthy food. Don’t underestimate the benefits of a healthy diet when it comes to maintaining good eyesight. Night-blindness, cataracts, and other eye problems can be prevented with vision-boosting food. These include fish, like tuna or salmon, which is high in Omega-3; leafy greens such as kale and spinach, which contain lutein; and whole grains like barley and quinoa that have B-vitamins and help regulate your blood sugar.
Of course, you should also make it a habit to visit your trusted local eye doctor, Opti-Care for a routine eye exam. This way, we can determine whether you have possible vision problems and work on having them treated promptly. We serve the areas in and around Westminster and Marriottsville, MD. Call us today at (410) 795-8670 or fill out this contact form to schedule your appointment.