When we’re young and have perfect vision, we don’t really worry about our long-term eye health – until, of course, we’re diagnosed with vision problems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 21 million Americans have vision problems, and another 80 million have eye diseases that may eventually lead to blindness. Needless to say, poor vision can dramatically impact your quality of life.

So, in today’s post, a trusted eye doctor shares three easy habits to adopt that contribute to healthier eyes.
1. Wash your hands often. Over the past two years, we’ve been reminded over and over again to wash our hands. Well, if you need another reason, here it is: many vision-related diseases, such as pink eye, staph and even chlamydia, can be spread by touching in or around your eyes. Keeping your hands clean can ward off these bacterial and viral infections.
2. Wear eye protection. People with sensitive skin are very diligent about applying sunscreen for protection from the sun. But did you know that the sun’s ultraviolet (UV( rays can also affect your eyes? Excessive UV exposure can damage the front and back of the eyes and can contribute to a host of vision problems, so be sure to wear good quality sunglasses or eyeglasses with adequate UV protection when you step out of the house on a sunny day.
3. Rest your eyes. If you’re like most people, you probably spend hours at a time staring at a computer. This can be very straining to your eyes. In addition, phone and computer screens emit harmful blue light, so be sure to take regular breaks when using your devices for extended periods of time.
Whether you’re coming in for a routine eye exam or would like to schedule dry eye treatments, turn to the eye care professionals at Opti-Care for all your vision-related needs. Give us a call at (410) 795-8670, or fill out our contact form to schedule your appointment. We serve patients in Westminster, MD, as well as its surrounding areas.