It may seem like a simple enough thing – you just take them out of their case and pop them onto your eyes. No need for a whole article explaining how to put them on and remove them properly, right? Wrong. Similar to riding a bike, it takes time and practice to get the hang of it. There are also a lot of “rules” surrounding contact lenses that are very important to keep in mind so it’s well worth the time and effort to read this short explainer.

How to Put in Contact Lenses
Before you do anything else, make sure your hands are squeaky clean. This decreases the chance of getting an eye infection. After, dry your hands with tissue or a lint-free cloth. If you’re putting your contacts over the sink, plug the drain first.
Always put the first contact lens in the same eye. This keeps you from mixing up right and left-eye contacts. Remove the lens from the case, and then carefully slide it into your hand then use your fingertips, rather than your nails, to handle the lens. After checking to see if the lens is right-side out, carefully put the lens on your eye. Look in front of you or at the ceiling while you do this. Slowly shut your eyes, and roll them around in a full circle to help settle them properly then you should be all set!
Removing Contact Lenses
Again, make sure your hands are clean, and then flip over your storage case and remove any leftover solution. Allow them to air dry or wipe them down with a fresh, clean cloth. Stand in front of a mirror, and look up. Pull down your lower eyelid, and punch the lens with the pads of your index finger and thumb to remove it from your eye. Repeat this process on your other eye and store them in the case fully immersed in solution.
For all your vision-related needs, trust in the experts over at Opti-Care. We serve patients in Marriottsville and Westminster, MD, as well as nearby areas. To schedule an appointment, please give us a call at (410) 795-8670, or fill out our contact form and one of our eye care professionals will be happy to assist you.