Contact lenses are a safe and effective vision correction tool when prescribed by a licensed optometrist and used correctly. Unfortunately, improper contact lens wear and care may cause various complications that can impact your vision. Read on as Opti-Care discuss some of the important do’s and don’ts when it comes to your contacts.

DO: Wash Your Hands
Always wash your hands before handling your contacts. Use an anti-microbial, gentle cleansing soap. This helps remove germs and dirt that may be transferred to your eyes and cause infections. Rinse your hands to wash off the lather and then dry them completely with a lint-free cloth before you touch your contact lenses.
DON’T: Wear Contacts While in the Water
Don’t wear your contact lenses while taking a shower or swimming. The water may contain germs that could contaminate your lenses. Always use the appropriate solution provided by your eye doctor for cleaning the lenses.
DO: Follow the Replacement Schedule
Most contact lenses may only be worn only for a limited period of time. Never wear them beyond the period recommended by your eye doctor. Otherwise, you’ll be at risk of developing an eye infection.
DON’T: Top Off the Old Lens Solution
It is never a good idea to top off the old solution into the lens case. When it is full of liquid, the container tends to become warm and moist. This kind of environment is where bacteria and fungus thrive. Always replenish the case with a fresh batch of the solution when storing your contacts.
DO: Get Your Eyes Checked Regularly
Even if your eyes feel fine while wearing your contacts, be sure to schedule an appointment with your eye doctor. Sometimes, issues related to contact lens wear are determined during a routine eye exam. If your eyes become itchy, red or watery, discontinue wearing your contacts and see your doctor.
Turn to Opti-Care if you’d like to correct your refractive vision errors with contact lenses. To learn more about your options, give us a call at (410) 795-8670 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve patients in and around Marriottsville and Westminster, MD.