People who do not prefer to wear eyeglasses usually go for contact lenses. Contacts are safe to wear as long as you use and handle them properly. Using the prescribed contact lens solution is one of the easiest things you can do to ensure safe contact lens wear.

Here are key things you should know about contact lens solutions.
Two Types of Soft Contact Lens Solutions
The two main types of solutions used for soft contact lenses are multipurpose and peroxide solutions. You use a multipurpose solution to rinse, clean, and store your contacts. Meanwhile, peroxide solutions can be used for cleaning and storing contact lenses. Before this solution touches your eyes, you’ll need to neutralize it first. You can either add a neutralizing tablet to the solution while storing the lenses in the case or get a case with a built-in neutralizing disc.
Usual Contact Lens Solution Ingredients
You must use the contact lens solution recommended by your eye doctor to clean, disinfect, and store your lenses. Some people are allergic to certain contact lens solutions, checking ingredients before purchasing. If you get allergic reactions after using a contact lens solution, let your doctor know immediately.
The usual ingredients in contact lens solutions are disinfectant, surfactant, wetting solution, and preservative. Disinfectant kills bacteria, fungi, germs, and other organisms that can cause infection. Surfactant cleans the surface of the lens. It helps loosen the sediments and dissolve left-over protein and tissue on the surface without damaging the lenses. Wetting solutions keep your contacts moist and comfortable to wear. Moreover, preservatives prolong the life and effectiveness of contact lens solutions.
At Opti-Care, we’re committed to providing you quality contact lenses and eyeglasses. You can also rely on us for dry eye treatments and myopia control. Call us at (410) 795-8670 or fill out our contact form to request an appointment. We help patients in Westminster, MD.