As a parent, you might be wondering when is the best time to have your child’s eyes checked. According to eye care professionals, your child should undergo a pediatric eye exam as early as a year old. After all, the most crucial part of visual development occurs between infancy and childhood, so regular appointments with a pediatrician, family physician, ophthalmologist or any trained healthcare professional is recommended.

In today’s article, we provide an overview of what to expect in your kid’s pediatric eye exam over time.
At this stage, your doctor will examine your newborn’s eyes to check for basic indicators of eye health. Testing may include blink and pupil response as well as a “red reflex” test, which aims to identify potentially blinding but treatable disorders. If your baby is born prematurely, has signs of eye disease or has a family history of childhood eye disease, an ophthalmologist should perform a more comprehensive eye exam.
It’s best to perform a second vision screening as soon as your child turns a year old. Here, your pediatrician or health care provider will conduct the previously mentioned tests, inspect the eyes visually and check for healthy eye alignment and movement.
In a typical exam for a toddler, your doctor may perform a “photoscreening test” in which they use a special camera to take pictures of your child’s eyes. These pictures can determine whether your child has problems that can lead to amblyopia or lazy eye. If they see a problem, your doctor may refer your child to a professional ophthalmologist.
Preschool Age
Your child’s vision and eye alignment should be checked between the age of three to five years. If your child is old enough to read an eye chart, visual acuity should be tested. This helps determine whether your child will require glasses or other vision correction. While many children are farsighted, they are able to see even at a distance. If your child struggles with the eye chart, however, photoscreening can be used to test vision. Should your ophthalmologist find issues, such as astigmatism or misaligned eyes, they will recommend treatments to protect your child’s vision.
School Age
When your child reaches five years old, they should be screened for visual acuity and alignment. Within this age group, nearsightedness is most common and can be corrected with eyeglasses. If your child is treated with growth hormone therapy, you should have their eyes tested before and during treatment.
Get in touch with our eye care professionals at Opti-Care! Our team makes it a priority to care for your child’s eyes. If you missed their first appointment, it’s not too late. Schedule one today by giving us a call at (410) 795-8670 or filling out our online contact form. We are happy to provide services to residents of Westminster, MD, and the rest of Carroll County.