Apart from providing prescription contact lenses and eyeglasses, Opti-Care also offers LASIK co-management. This means we’ll assist you in determining your eligibility for the procedure, preparing you and guiding you through recovery.

Below are some of our answers to frequently asked questions regarding post-LASIK surgery care.
“Can I Drive Immediately After Undergoing LASIK?”
Before the procedure, you will likely be given a sedative. Following the procedure, you may experience some discomfort or blurred vision for a few hours. Thus, you can’t drive home after the procedure. Make sure to bring a friend or family member to the procedure with you so they can drive you home after.
“Can I Play Sports After Undergoing LASIK?”
For two weeks following the procedure, you should avoid activities that could cause sweat to run into your eyes, including sports. Your eye doctor may also recommend wearing safety glasses while recovering from LASIK. Avoid playing contact sports and swimming during this period.
“How Long Will I Be Out From Work?”
This depends on your occupation. If you work in a field that requires sharp eyesight, like the medical field, you’ll likely need to take a day or two off to recuperate from the procedure. Most patients can return to work the next day, but only if their vision is adequate for their job.
Opti-Care is the leading eye care center for your needs. Whether you need a comprehensive eye exam or want to determine your options for dry eye treatments, you can trust our doctors and staff to ensure your optimal eye health. Call (410) 795-8670 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve residents in Westminster, MD.