The start of a new year is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the year past and make resolutions for the coming one. One great resolution to add to the list is to take care of your eye health and vision. After all, your eyes are your partners in your day-to-day life.

These resolutions/tips will help you have a clear, healthy vision for years to come.
Wear Sunglasses and Protective Eyewear
Protecting your eyes from the sun is important to maintain healthy vision. Make sure to wear sunglasses when out in the sun. This will help reduce exposure to harmful UV rays, which can damage your eyesight over time. It is also important to do so while playing sports — protective eyewear ensures your eyes don’t get injured.
Schedule Regular Eye Exams
Regular eye exams are an important step to taking care of your eyes. With the expertise of a reputable optometrist, they can detect any changes or problems with your vision and provide you with the necessary treatment.
Eat Healthy
Eating a balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals is crucial to maintaining healthy eyes. Foods such as leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits and nuts are great sources of nutrients that can help support your vision health.
Practice Good Hygiene
Washing your hands and face regularly can help reduce the risk of infection or irritation in the eyes. Make sure to keep your hands clean and avoid rubbing or touching your eyes as much as possible.
Limit Screen Time
Excessive use of digital devices can cause strain and fatigue on the eyes. That’s why it’s important to take regular breaks from screens to give your eyes a rest. Aim for at least 20 minutes away from any device each day and make sure you are practicing good posture when working on a computer or laptop.
Choose Opti-Care for Your Vision and Eye Health
If you are looking for an eye doctor in Westminster, MD, who can take care of you and your family’s eyesight and vision, turn to Opti-Care. We offer a wide range of eye care services, from comprehensive eye examinations and dry eye treatments, to eyeglasses and contact lens prescriptions. Call (410) 795-8670, or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment today.