Headaches can be a nuisance for people of all ages. And while there are many causes and triggers for headaches, some are more common than others. But did you know that vision problems could be one of these causes? Read on to learn about the link between vision and headaches.
An eye exams and contact lenses specialist discusses more here.

Refractive Errors
One of the most common vision problems that can cause headaches is a refractive error, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. These types of errors occur when the eye fails to properly focus light on the retina, resulting in blurred vision and eye strain, which can lead to headaches.
Eye Muscle Imbalance or Straining
According to a premier optometrist in Westminster, MD, headaches can also be caused by an imbalance or strain in the muscles of the eyes. When one eye is stronger than the other, it can lead to a condition known as heterophoria, which causes one eye to drift away from its intended target while looking at something close up. This misalignment of the eyes can result in headaches and eyestrain.
Dry Eyes/Eye Fatigue
Dry eyes and eye fatigue can also cause headaches. Dry eyes occur when the eyes don’t produce enough tears, resulting in discomfort and irritation. On the other hand, eye fatigue can be caused by prolonged periods of intense concentration or focusing on a single task, which can lead to headaches as well.
Getting your eyes regularly checked by Opti-Care is an excellent way to help prevent vision-related headaches. Through various eye exams, we can diagnose any refractive errors or muscle imbalances that may be causing your headaches and provide custom-tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. Just give us a call at (410) 795-8670 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment.