As you get older, your eyes gradually lose some of their visual acuity. You may notice you need more frequent dry eye treatments or trips to the eye doctor to ensure that your eyes are as healthy as possible, but eventually, you will start to need reading glasses. People who work with small details may need reading glasses earlier, but everyone will likely reach an age when this is no longer optional.

You may have seen generic reading glasses for sale at your local drugstore or even a gas station. This makes a lot of people believe that you can get them anywhere and for a cheaper price, too. However, like with most things, the price often determines quality and eyeglasses, prescription or not, are no exception. Let our eye care specialists at Opti-Care explain why you may still want to go to your eye doctor to get your reading glasses.
High-Quality Glasses
You wouldn’t go to an eye doctor to get prescription shampoo or any other medication so it makes sense that you shouldn’t just go anywhere to get your reading glasses. For one thing, the quality of the lenses are not as high as the ones you will get from a specialist. In some cases, it may even cause your eyesight to worsen with continued use.
The Right Prescription
Only your eye doctor can determine the strength of your prescription. This is as true for reading glasses as they are for any other type of vision correction devices. Over-the-counter reading glasses are typically sold at generic strengths and it’s not always easy to determine which one is right for you.
Accurate Prescriptions
Prescription eyeglasses are designed specifically for your eyes. Sometimes even both your eyes may not have the same level of prescription. By going to an eye doctor, you get accurate prescription strength for both your eyes, something you can’t get by buying over-the-counter reading glasses.
At Opti-Care, we are your leading provider of vision correction and eye care services. Give us a call at (410) 795-8670 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation with one of our specialists today. We serve patients in Westminster and other surrounding communities in MD.