Tears are fairly normal but when you have an abnormal discharge like mucus coming out of your eyes, it may be time to visit your optometrist for an examination. Excessive eye discharge can be a sign of a bigger underlying problem. For the most part, these eye “crusts” can be removed by washing your face or rubbing them away, but this is not recommended. In the worst cases, your eyes may even be forced shut by dried up mucus. When this happens, it’s always best to consult with an eye care specialist.

Eye discharges can cause daily life to be miserable, which is why it’s best that they are addressed as soon as possible. Delaying consultation and treatment may lead to further complications. Here is a quick guide from our doctors at Opti-Care should your eyes begin discharging excessive amounts of mucus.
Green and Gray Mucus
This type of discharge is mainly caused by a bacterial infection. You will need an eye exam to fully diagnose the condition and to determine a proper course of treatment. The green and gray color you see from this mucus come from the dead bacteria that your immune system has “defeated.” While this may sound good, only a doctor can determine if the infection has gone completely or is still on-going.
Yellow Discharge
Styes in your eyes are the most common sources of yellow-colored mucus. Other symptoms of a stye are lumps around your eyelids and sensitivity to light. Pus builds up inside the stye and can cause it to swell and redden. Consult with your eye doctor if you see any abnormal growths around your eyes.
White Mucus
White mucus can be excreted by inflamed tear ducts. Tear ducts may be irritated by contact lenses or other vision correction devices. If you notice a white or yellowish-white discharge from your eyes accompanied by redness, swelling, and facial pain, talk to your eye doctor right away.
At Opti-Care, we can help you keep your eyesight clear and your eyes crust-free. Give us a call at (410) 795-8670 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation today. We serve patients in Westminster, MD, as well as other neighboring Maryland communities.